Poorna Prajna Public School, D-III, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi organized Inauguration of Debating Society on 31st August, 2024 . The highlight of the event was the presence of its venerated Alumni members to inspire and motivate their alma mater with their presence and candid interaction.
The Chief Guest on this occasion was Ms. Meenakshi Gupta, retired IAAS. Present in attendance were Honourable School Director, Madam Praveen Bala, Mr. Kaustubh, Member, Management Committee, Vice Principal, Mrs. Anju Singh, Parents of Debating Society members, School Alumni , Mr. Balram, Ms. Ayushi and Ms.N. Leela Rao and Debating Society member Teachers.
Alumni members Ayushi and Leela Rao interacted with Debating Society members and exhorted that the School’s efforts in instilling Life Skills like Oratory and Debating help in the long run.They assured Debaters that they will visit the School again and share with them how battle of wits can be won with research and presentation skills.
The much-anticipated inauguration ceremony of the debating society of school was conducted by the delegates. Students of class XII, X and IX showcased their oratory skills through English and Hindi Mock Debate, on the topics, “CCTV cameras in Public places are a necessity.” and “क्या सोशल मीडिया टिप्पणियों को अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता द्वारा संरक्षित किया जाना चाहिए?”. Their captivating arguments thrilled the audience. Chief Guest Ms. Meenakshi Gupta and Mr. Kaustubh explained to children the importance of content and research for an impactful debate. All the debating members of English and Hindi debate from classes IV, V and IX to XII were presented with badges by the delegates.

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