JNAANA – Knowledge is Supreme:
Message of HH Vibhudesha Theertha Swamiji

His Holiness Vibhudesha Theertha Swamijji , the Former Senior Pontiff of Adamaru Matha and President of Adamaru Matha Education Council was the inspiration behind the varied activities of the Adamaru Matha. His Holiness was initiated into Sanyas as a keen ager and he completed the Study of Vedanta , Nyaya Shastra and Scriptures of Hindu Religion. He took interest in gathering the knowledge of other scriptures of other religions. His Holiness during his religious discourses, lectures and benedictions used to quote extensively various instances and slokas with the relevant meanings and adaptations, from scriptures, especially Bhagaawad Geetha. His explanations and meaning were very simple and understandable by one and all.
His Holiness used to deliver the message of Jnaana or Wisdom which is the supreme solvent of all human sufferings. Suffering is nothing but the mental state of a man , arising out of wrong identification of his inner self ( Atman) with his physical body. The Aatman is the real Self of a person and it is the permanent and imperishable fact of his nature, in exclusive detachment of his physical body and its parts. If the “ I” or “ Atman” is detached from the body, the suffering will be understood, is pertaining tot the body. Under the guidance of a competent “Guru”, (Teacher) , the aspiring disciple realizes his oneness with the Supreme , by meditation, on the scriptural declaration. Having attained the unity consciousness with the Supreme, there is nothing left to be deemed higher than that . This is the highest stage of wisdom and Jnaani(one who realized complete Jnaana) is not shaken even by the most acute suffering. This state of Jnaani is affirmed by Lord Sri Krishna in the Geetha.
यं लब्ध्वा चापरं लाभं मन्यते नाधिकं तत: |
यस्मिन्स्थितो न दु:खेन गुरुणापि विचाल्यते || 22||
yaṁ labdhvā chāparaṁ lābhaṁ manyate nādhikaṁ tataḥ
yasmin sthito na duḥkhena guruṇāpi vichālyate
His holiness Swamiji’s attempt to make all people to acquire knowledge to some extent, has led me to think that such dispensation by Swamiji may be positively due to the intervention of Divine Accordance. His Holiness was a Karma Yogi, Bhakti Ogi and Jnaana Yogi and he was performing the rituals to lord Sri Krishna of Udupi Temple as Paryaya. He continued his discourses while meditating on the unlimited. Probably, I feel that such meditation and good deeds might have led him to the experience of the Unlimited, that has prompted him to bestow on ordinary mortals like us, the benefits to militate the suffering and the ignorance.
The Guru is all the Gods and Guru is invoked as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and the daily prayer takes the form.
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु र्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः
गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः
Thus looking upon the guru as God himself the Disciple impresses him by his humility , his earnestness his ministrations and obtains his grace. Pleased with the disciple , the Guru initiates him into the ultimate spiritual truth, on which the disciple meditates and realizes truth himself.

His Holiness, clad in two piece saffron cloth, presenting simplicity unostentatiously and bearing always a benign smile has founded and established single headedly various Institutions to spread the knowledge (complete Jnaana) in fullness to all. These great edifices are aptly named as Poornaprajna Institutions to impart complete knowledge in various fields such as Veda Patashalas, Schools, Research Institutions and other formal education Institutions of higher learning. Great educationists, Veda vidhwans, students and children join these Institutions to gain knowledge in the field of their own pursuit. The areas of focus of His Holiness was housing and free medical aid for the poor.

His Holiness used to repeatedly say that children are the valuable assets of the nation and they are to be properly nurtured, developed and shaped to help the future society. His Holiness insisted to ensure that the most modern equipments, such as Computers, Laboratories and Audio-visual aids are made available to all students in all Poornaprajna Schools, so that the schools and children studying in these school should set Standards for other Institutions of our country. In accordance with this view of Swamiji, an unique establishment was started functioning effectively as Advanced Faculty Training and Teachers’ Refresher course to upgrade the teaching techniques as to meet the modern requirements of Education and development. While it was enough for the primitive man to learn a few skills for existence, today one requires large amount of learning and achieve a masterly skill to be a good and prosperous civilization and that calls for a person to be really educated and not just be literate.

Education for all the people of our country has two purposes viz., to make them as good and responsible citizens and to craft usefulness into them. The former can be achieved by including civics or morals as compulsory part of school syllabus from the very start of schooling at the tender age, the impressions created become permanent and regulate the rest of life.

The creative children usually possess a strong creative need, their interests are un-explainable and are naturally deeply hidden in them. These children are inquisitive in questioning, show interest in explaining things of fancy and test the novel ideas that strike them.

Many children are unable to withstand pressure from parents and teachers, to be like other children. In these days of competition the parents force them to get along with the school work and prevent these children in using their creative abilities. Creative children look to the school and teachers for guidance and encouragement. Teachers should feel that creative children are of great value and they can become assets of the Institutions. Creativity in any field is an ability which is most valued in all societies.

His Holiness insisted that special emphasis ought to be laid on the development of the young child. The foundation for the development is laid at home and is further built in school. The school ought to recognize the holistic nature of the child’s development with reference to health, social, mental, physical, moral and

emotional development. Therefore, considering the various views, His Holiness introduced a well-designed programme for the children of the Primary School to develop their creative and innovative skill with the emphasis on group participation, while learning the subject matter under the guidance of the teacher. All Poornaprajna Schools are designed for Pre-Primary education while adopting play way methods and pave the way for the all-round development of the child.

I come to the conclusion that there would be an increasing realization that what is taught is no more important than how it is taught. The truth is not merely to be known but it should be realized in one’s actions and realizations.

I have written so far based on my own perception of His Holiness, and I may please be forgiven if I have understated or overstepped any other true contentions or views held by anyone who has been very close to Him.


Wg Cdr. G Venkataraman( Retd)
Ex Jt-Hon In-charge, Poorna Prajna Yelahanka

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