My Memorable days in PPC, Udupii – Duplicate – [#13892]

Dheemahi, BSc (2014 Batch), Research Scholar at JNCASR, Bengaluru.

Three years (2014-2017) in Poornaprajna College have been the most cherished and fulfilling years of my life. Many memorable events in academics and artistic career happened during these years. I joined BSc because I was interested in basic science and I wanted to pursue my passion for dance and drama. The ample opportunities in the college not only made me fulfill these wishes but persuaded me to aim higher.

It is here, that I met excellent teachers who shaped me and made me what I am today.I enjoyed their enthusiasm and different teaching techniques. The experiences and stories they told always inspired me and helped me. The lectures had great passion for teaching and made constant efforts to involve us in various activities which motivated me to work harder every time. They entrusted me with the tasks which I didn’t believe I could do and my confidence increased every time I completed it. Special thanks to Prof. A. P. Bhat for showing me the beauty of physics and Prof. Raghavendra for making me realize that mathematics is more than mere numbers and alphabets. I believe that they have influenced me to do a PhD.

There were a lot of seminars, outreach programs, club activities and intercollege fests that exposed me to different subjects, skills and helpedin personality development. Interactive sessions with eminent scientists like C.N.R. Rao, U.R. Rao blossomed my interest in research. Further, winter school at PPISR, facility to carry out a project in MIT and summer internship at JNCASR helped me pursue my interest. I was not aware of any competitive exam apart from CET and JEE. Thanks to all the lecturers and seniorswho told me about NGPE, JAM and other entrance exams for M.Sc. These exams were the turning points of my life. IAPT gave me a chance to be a part of workshop at IIT Kanpur, while JAM and entrance exam of JNCASR made it possible to get admission in JNCASR.

My interest in dance and drama were equally nurtured in the college. Founder’s day, talents day and college day were most awaited events of the year. Cultural evenings after seminar and inter college fests were bonus chances to perform. I had very good friends who were experts in various forms that gave me chance to try out new things out of my comfort zone every time. Preparation for performance during NAAC visit in our last semester when we spent most of the days in auditorium is memorable.I was an active performer with few teams outside college and the lectures always encouraged me and found a way out whenever practical exam dates clashed with my performances.

I feel PPC caters to needs of all kinds of students. A student can do lot more than just attending classes based on the interest. I enjoyed reading wide variety of books from the main library as well as from department libraries. I had great friends who were with me in scientific discussions, projects and lab experiments, quizzes, dance choreographies, attending fests, volunteering for some work in order to bunk classes, dozing off during classes and never ending chit-chats.

I am truly indebted to this college for all the wonderful things it has given me and feel blessed to have been the part of this great institution.

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